If you are in line early, youll be sure to get the best tickets.
A. Compound-complex
B. complex
C. Compound
D. SImple
2. Heather is in charge of decorations, and Enrique is bringing snacks.
A. simple
B. Compound
C. Complex
D. Compound-complex
3. My two dogs are named Hannah and Brindle.
A. Compound-Conmplex
B. Compound
C. Simple
D. Complex
4.Which of the following topics is the clearest example of the imformative essay?
A. A short essay describing a recent trip to New Zealand.
B. A eulogy for a deceased friend
C. A glowing movie review.
D. A dialouge between two characters in a play.
5. Which of the following sentences best reflects chronological order?
A. George washington Carver became known for his research on plant biology.
B. He attended Simpson college from 1890, and enrolled in Iowa State Agriculture college the following year,
C. Carver discovered more than one hundred uses for peanuts, including peanute butter.
D. He created a mobil school to tak education to farmers who could not attend universities.
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