If Xander ate 6 slices out of 8 slices of pizza, what percentage of the pizza did he eat?
14 answers
6/8 = what percentage?
What percent did he eat?
Persentage of 6 slice of pizza for father, mother, brother, sister, grandmother and grandfather
ur daddy
Suck me my girl
suck me
*LICK* me
I need a girl friend
If ur mom ate 20000000000 pieces of pizza and she gets to be 900 pounds dont blame me for not warning her she will be fat,, hahahah dumb dumb, Ok If she ate that much pizza, how many pounds will her baby be, since she is pregnant/
I am ur lover ##@@#$$
I am sorry peoiple who made this ap, I wont do it again, jsut dont reporte it to my schuul,, I well leve u in pease, pweas I am sowry, I am owly 5 yer owld
I am sowry
I am sowry
I am sorry pwease dont yhurt me. I am owly in 2 grsde, and i am 5 yer old, I am sooert]y