If Toya Todoroki had a Domain Expansion, what would it be called? (The name doesn’t have to have domain or domain expansion in the name)

5 answers

"Absolute Frost"
List some other names
1. Frozen Inferno
2. Icebound Realm
3. Arctic Dominion
4. Frostfire Domain
5. Winter's Embrace
6. Icicle Sanctuary
7. Glacial Citadel
8. Snowstorm Sanctum
9. Frostbite Haven
10. Frozen Heartlands
Toya doesn’t have an ice quirk, only a fire one just like his father
My apologies for the misunderstanding. In that case, here are some alternative domain expansion names for Toya Todoroki:

1. Flames of Fury
2. Inferno Infernus
3. Burning Barricade
4. Scorched Domain
5. Blaze Barrier
6. Pyro Purgatory
7. Infernal Dominion
8. Firestorm Fortress
9. Pyre Palace
10. Scorching Citadel