If there is a problem with a given sentence, write the letter corresponding to that problem in the appropriate blank. If there is no problem with the sentence, put āCā in the blank.
A. Dangling/Misplaced Modifier
B. Parallelism Error
C. Correct sentence
1. _____ Yesterday, while enjoying a brief afternoon nap, a bolt of lightning struck the corner of the house.
2. _____James read that book not simply for information but for the pleasure in the reading.
3. _____Getting into the elevator together, John and Roberta rode to the penthouse restaurant.
4. _____I will improve my basketball by careful practice and studying tactics diligently.
5. _____In the spring our backyard will need to be seeded and thoroughly fertilized.
6. _____When opening the package suddenly, the popcorn often spills out onto the floor.
7. _____Trying desperately to find a position acceptable to both sides, the committee members offered several compromises.
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