If the hour hand of a clock is 7 inches long, how many inches does the tip travel between 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM?

8 answers

That would depend upon the size of the clock face.
It does not say.
Does your problem want to know how many inches or degrees the minute hand travels?
Inches, rounded to 2 decimal places.
If the 7-inch hand goes through a complete circle, it would travel the equivalent of the circumference of a circle of radius 7 inches.

Use Circumference = 2πr

How far would the tip travel from 1 to 4 o'clock?
I got circumference = 43.96. How would I find how many inches it travels from 1 to 4?
Every 5 minutes, the minutes hand turns 30°
If it turns 360° (from 12 to 12), then the distance is 43.96.
You can use proportions to find how much distance the tip travels from 1 to 4.