First, subtract: 1955 - 1879 = ? years
Now for the month and days:
March 14 - April 14 = 1 month
14 - 18 = 4 days
If someone was born on March 14, 1879 (A.D.) and died on April 18, 1955, how long did they live for (years, months, days, please)?
4 answers
Thanks! :) This will be a great end to my research report on Albert Einstein.
how do you solve 14n+2-7n=37
14n - 7n = 37 - 2
7n = 35
n = ?
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14n - 7n = 37 - 2
7n = 35
n = ?
After this, Sharon, please click Post a New Question when you want to ask a question.