Start out at 7:37 -- warning bell
1st period -- 7:42-8:14
Passing time -- 8:14-8:19
2nd period -- 8:19-9:01
Passing time -- 9:01-9:06
I was giving 5 minutes for each passing time. If you get to 1:56 and it doesn't come out even, then adjust the passing time.
How do you add 42 minutes to any point in time?
7:42 + 42 = 7:84 >> 8:14 (Of course there are only 60 minutes in an hour, so carry that one hour to the 7 and include what's left for the minutes.)
Let us know what you come up with.
If school starts at 7:42 am and it ends at 1:56 pm and there's 42 minutes per period. Create a bell schedule.
Please help!!!!
7 answers
Don't forget to include lunch -- usually about 35 minutes.
Ooops! Not 8:14!! It should be 8:24!
Good thing I don't teach math!
Good thing I don't teach math!
passing time is 4 minutes....
lunch is for 40 minutes....
homeroom is after 1st period.....
OK ... is homeroom supposed to be 42 minutes long, too?
How many periods in the day, including homeroom?
Post what you come up with, and someone here will check it for you.
How many periods in the day, including homeroom?
Post what you come up with, and someone here will check it for you.