If salt is added to water, then an egg will flot. This is because when people go to the sea, it is generally much easier to float in than it is if people go to the pool.

I need more background info on bouyancy, salinity, and density to make my "because" section of my hypothesis better. Can anybody tell me backgrounf info or give me a good website. Better yetm can anybody explain to me how to furthermore elaborate my hypothesis?

1 answer

When you add salt to the water it dissolves, increasing the density or weight per unit volume of the water.

The buoyant force up on a body in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body (Archimedes Principle - Google it)

For the same volume of body, a greater weight of fluid is displaced if the density of the fluid is higher, and therefore the buoyant force up is higher.