If only the cover of a magazine was used to write a paper, is there a need to cite it sepearately in the works cited page? If yes, how?
4 answers
Yes, definitely. The magazine was a source for your paper.
I know how to cite the ARTICLE from a magazine, but I'm not sure how I would cite only the cover in MLA format. Could you help me?
If you can find the designer of the cover, put that first. If that's not listed in the fine print about editors, etc., then start with the title of the periodical and for pages, use Cover.
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Periodical Day Month Year: pages.
Author(s). "Title of Article." Title of Periodical Day Month Year: pages.
I just checked the September 5 issue of Time and found this on page 1.
"On the cover: Photograph by Platon."
"On the cover: Photograph by Platon."