If no presidential candidate wins a majority of electoral votes, who can choose the president.
In addition to the above excellent answer please consider the following.
The lack of any candidate receiving a majority if the electoral college leads to what is called a contingent election. Scroll down to the section called "Election in the House and Senate". LWV | Who Will Elect the President?
The Electoral College SystemSection=Home&CONTENTID=2176&TEMPLATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm
A problem soon emerged with what occurred in the election of 1800
Presidential Election of 1800 http://www.multied.com/elections/1800.html.
The above led to the 12th Amendment. This site gives you a copy of the 12th Amendment and also in the annotations explains the reasons for its issuance.
U.S. Constitution: Twelfth Amendment http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data/constitution/amendment12/
1 answer