To convert pounds to calories, we need to multiply the weight in pounds by the conversion factor of 3,500 calories per pound.
245 pounds * 3,500 calories/pound = <<245*3500=857500>>857,500 calories
Now, let's calculate how many pounds Naomi lost through exercise:
450 calories * 1 pound/3,500 calories = 0.1286 pounds
Naomi burned 0.1286 pounds through exercise. Therefore, her new weight is 245 pounds - 0.1286 pounds = 244.87 pounds.
Now, let's calculate how much weight Naomi lost through her calorie deficit diet:
200,000,000 calories / 3,500 calories/pound = 57,142.857 pounds
Naomi lost 57,142.857 pounds through her diet. Therefore, her new weight is 244.87 pounds - 57,142.857 pounds = -56,898.987 pounds.
However, a negative weight doesn't make sense in this context. Therefore, it's safe to assume an error was made in the calculations or the information provided.
If Naomi weighs 245 pounds, she exercises on the treadmill for 45 minutes, she burns 450 calories. She does a calorie deficit diet for 6 years, cutting out almost 200,000,000. Convert 245 pounds to calories, remember one pound is 3,500 calories. How much does she weigh now?
1 answer