If my thesis is Social networking is a powerfull force in modern society. It helps us stay connected with friends, even if we don't show them the 'real' us and it has shaped current events and our views on these events...

will my topic be about facebook or myspace.

topic sentence 1: will be using a wall or commenting

topic sentence 2:social networking games?
topic 3:
topic 4:
I don't know what my topic sentence. hope I can get your feedbacks.

1 answer

You're the one who chose this topic. If you cannot think of enough things to write about, choose a different topic.

However, I can't figure out why you are having any problem thinking of things to say. There are umpteen ideas here:

And remember: Social networking includes much more than just Facebook. There's MySpace, Twitter, Photobucket, Craigslist, etc. Make sure you watch this and take notes: