:"If Lebron James is the king of the basketball court, then she is the queen of the kitchen" the author chose these words to show that Nani is very skilled and well adapted to a kitchen environment. she would know the in's and out's of the kitchen if she was the "queen of the kitchen" the author eluded to "love" as a powerful ingredient in reference to lots of homemade recipes call for "lots of love" because when you care about what you are making it typically comes out better.
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The author used the comparison between LeBron James being the king of basketball and Nani being the queen of the kitchen to emphasize Nani's exceptional skills and expertise in a kitchen setting. By referring to her as the "queen of the kitchen," it suggests that Nani is highly proficient and knowledgeable in all aspects of the kitchen. The mention of "love" as a powerful ingredient implies that Nani not only possesses culinary skills but also has a deep passion and care for her cooking, resulting in delicious homemade recipes.