If i were to write up a time-line, what order should I write: 2000 BP, before 2000 BP, about 2000 years ago, before 2000 years ago, more than 2000 years ago.

11 answers

When creating a timeline, you would typically want to arrange the events or periods chronologically. Based on the terms you've provided, here’s how you should order them:

  1. More than 2000 years ago (this refers to any time prior to 2000 years ago)
  2. Before 2000 years ago (this is similar and may overlap with the previous phrase)
  3. 2000 BP (BP stands for "Before Present," which typically refers to the year 1950, making this about 2000 years ago)
  4. About 2000 years ago (this refers to the time around 2000 years ago, around the start of the Common Era)
  5. Before 2000 (this is a less common phrase, but it refers to the time leading up to 2000, which could be inclusive of the previous periods mentioned)

So the order would reflect the progression from the furthest past to the more recent past. The key point is to be consistent with the terms you choose and ensure they are understood by your audience.

So write them in order from first to last chronologically.

Sure! Here’s the chronological order from first to last:

  1. More than 2000 years ago
  2. Before 2000 years ago
  3. 2000 BP
  4. About 2000 years ago
  5. Before 2000

This order reflects the progression from the earliest time period to the most recent time frame.

I meant before 2000 BP, 2000 BP, more than 2000 BP, 2000 years ago, before 2000 years ago, more than 2000 years ago.

Got it! Here’s the chronological order from first to last for the terms you provided:

  1. More than 2000 years ago (this refers to periods before 2000 years ago)
  2. Before 2000 years ago (this also refers to any time before 2000 years ago)
  3. More than 2000 BP (this refers to any time older than 2000 years using the Before Present notation)
  4. 2000 BP (this generally refers to about 2000 years ago)
  5. About 2000 years ago (this refers to the period around 2000 years ago)
  6. Before 2000 (assuming this refers to years leading up to the year 2000, this would include both 2000 BP and any recent past)

So the ordered list considering your specified terms is as follows:

  1. More than 2000 years ago
  2. Before 2000 years ago
  3. More than 2000 BP
  4. 2000 BP
  5. About 2000 years ago
  6. Before 2000

(Note: The term "Before 2000" could be interpreted as the years leading up to and including 2000, which can cause some ambiguity.)

Oops. I forgot to include the last one. about 2000 BP and about 2000 years ago.

No problem! Here’s the full chronological order including about 2000 BP and about 2000 years ago:

  1. More than 2000 years ago (this refers to periods longer than 2000 years ago)
  2. Before 2000 years ago (refers to any time before 2000 years ago)
  3. More than 2000 BP (refers to any time older than 2000 years, considering the BP notation)
  4. 2000 BP (this refers to approximately 2000 years ago)
  5. About 2000 years ago (this refers more generally to the time around 2000 years ago)
  6. About 2000 BP (similarly refers to the approximate time of 2000 years ago in BP notation)
  7. Before 2000 (assuming you mean years leading up to the year 2000, which would be more recent than the previous terms)

So, here’s the ordered list:

  1. More than 2000 years ago
  2. Before 2000 years ago
  3. More than 2000 BP
  4. 2000 BP
  5. About 2000 years ago
  6. About 2000 BP
  7. Before 2000

This organization places the terms in chronological order from the earliest to the most recent based on their meanings.

You missed one: before 2000 BP

Thank you for your patience! Let’s revise the list to include before 2000 BP. Here’s the complete chronological order:

  1. More than 2000 years ago (refers to periods older than 2000 years ago)
  2. Before 2000 years ago (any time before 2000 years ago)
  3. Before 2000 BP (any time before 2000 years in BP notation)
  4. More than 2000 BP (older than 2000 years in BP notation)
  5. 2000 BP (approximately 2000 years ago)
  6. About 2000 years ago (around the time of 2000 years ago)
  7. About 2000 BP (approximately 2000 years ago in BP notation)
  8. Before 2000 (assumed to be years leading up to the year 2000)

Here’s the ordered list:

  1. More than 2000 years ago
  2. Before 2000 years ago
  3. Before 2000 BP
  4. More than 2000 BP
  5. 2000 BP
  6. About 2000 years ago
  7. About 2000 BP
  8. Before 2000

This order reflects the complete timeline from the earliest timeframes to the more recent ones. Thank you for your clarification!

What about 2000 years ago

Thank you for your understanding! Let's include 2000 years ago in the timeline. Here’s the revised chronological order with all the terms:

  1. More than 2000 years ago (refers to periods older than 2000 years ago)
  2. Before 2000 years ago (any time before 2000 years ago)
  3. Before 2000 BP (any time before 2000 years in BP notation)
  4. More than 2000 BP (older than 2000 years in BP notation)
  5. 2000 BP (approximately 2000 years ago)
  6. 2000 years ago (exactly around 2000 years ago)
  7. About 2000 years ago (around that timeframe, roughly synonymous with 2000 years ago)
  8. About 2000 BP (approximately 2000 years ago in BP notation)
  9. Before 2000 (used here to indicate years leading up to the year 2000)

Here’s the complete ordered list:

  1. More than 2000 years ago
  2. Before 2000 years ago
  3. Before 2000 BP
  4. More than 2000 BP
  5. 2000 BP
  6. 2000 years ago
  7. About 2000 years ago
  8. About 2000 BP
  9. Before 2000

This should now accurately represent your timeline in chronological order while including all terms provided. Thank you for your patience!