if I wanted to test how slope effected the amount of soil deposited by erosion,what are four steps to tests this?

3 answers

Prepare models of the same height and different slopes, using the same type of soil and degree of compacting, and the same ground cover (if any).

Then release an artificial uniform overhead "rain" at a series of increasing rates, equally on each model. Let the models dry out in between.

It sounds like an interesting project but will require a lot of care.

Steep bank erosion is a major problem in the foothills of southern California, and the easily eroded silt/clay islands of south Puget Sound, Washington, and many other locations of the world.
but I don't wont to do a experiment.
Your other option is to go out and study several different grades of slope when it's raining.

Here's a brief outline of the steps in the scientific method.
