rpms if all in a row
If any are on the same shaft. I do not have your picture.
B 800*(30/50)
C 800*(30/50)*(50/20)
D 800*(30/50)*(50/20)*(20/N) = 300
or more easily since all teeth are the same size
800*(30/N) = 300
N = 80
If gear A has 30 teeth and is spinning at 800rpm, gear B has 50 teeth and gear C has 20 teeth and gear D is spinning at 300rpm. How many teeth does gear D have?
8 answers
B and C are on the same shaft
Now you tell me !
B = 800*30/50 = 480 rpm
C = 480 rpm
D = 480 (20/N) = 300
N = 32
C = 480 rpm
D = 480 (20/N) = 300
N = 32
thank you
You are welcome :)
How exactly does Free Body Diagrams work?
Think of the body all alone in space
Add up all the force vectors on it and equate that to mass times acceleration.
Add up all the force vectors on it and equate that to mass times acceleration.