- If Britain and France had not adopted a policy of appeasement, would Adolf Hitler have been as successful as he was in overrunning Europe?

pleease help me with this

8 answers

Oh, my! This question has been debated for 70 years -- and will probably be debated for many more years.

What do you think?
i have no idea

comeon ms.sue pleeease help me
i'm stuck on this
Hindsight is wonderful!

If France and England hadn't appeased Hitler, he probably wouldn't have been as successful in overrunning Europe. They could have at least slowed him down.

On the other hand, France and England hadn't completly recovered from the deadly and devastating effects of World War I. They desperately wanted to avoid another war. They didn't have a crystal ball to foretell the horrors that Germany would bring to Europe in the next few years.

But who knows whether they could have stopped Hitler and the ensuing war. I doubt it. I think he was hell-bent on conquering Europe -- one way or another.
:D i think so too
oh yea..and THANKS A LOT
You're very welcome. Please be sure to write your own answer to this question.
ok, but i was saying thanks for sharing your opinion
France and Britain would have been at stake if they did not adopt the appeasement.