If anyone here has read Dragonwings then I need your help. I need a conflict that happened in the book, and what page number it started at. I also need to know how the conflict affected others in the story.

2 answers

Have you read the book? There are plenty of conflicts in it.
Conflict: The Lees must leave the Tang people's village after they fight Black Dog and kill a man.
Dragonwings is largely a story about moving from one place to another. After Windrider kills a man in self-defense, he and Moon Shadow must leave the Tang people's village to avoid revenge from the dead man's family. This move away from the Company, however, frees Windrider to work toward his dream of flight away from Uncle's judgment. We also structurally understand Black Dog to be an antagonist in this story since he lives with disregard to his kinsmen. This move to Miss Whitlaw's stable forges the friendship between the Lees and the Whitlaws. I cant remember what page that is on but that is the main conflict I think.