You may be able to read from parts of the text in these two sites. This book is clearly under copyright, though, so you won't find the entire book available online.
if anyone has read the book " The Last Book in the Universe" , i have a question. I forgot the book at home and i have to find quotes from the book to match up with the 7 stages of a hero, but i only need 3 more.
4) The hero must overcome obstacles / enemies. ( i know that the monkey people attack them, and that Lotti Getts person and her people)
5)The hero is faced with an ultimate challenge.( i think it was when they had to find the cure for Bean to stay alive)
6)The hero experiences victory in the ultimate challenge. ( i think this was when they found the cure)
7) The hero returns a changed individual with a new understanding of self from his or her successful journey. (i think that was when he changed from "Spaz Boy" to "Ryter", and learned that there was a reason for his life)
i don't have the exact quotes from the story. could u please help me find them or a website that will help me? ur help is appreciated (:
4 answers
these are great sites, but how would i find quotes from the book with just the summary of the story? thanks for your help (:
Unless you have the book itself or can find parts of the text in those sites above, I don't know where you'd find quotations.
okay thankss anywayss (: