If a submarine dives 25 feet every second, it will take 8 minutes, 37 second to reach the ocean floor. How deep is the Pacific ocean?

3 answers

(8 * 60) + 37 = 517 seconds

25 * 517 = ________ feet
[(8 * 60) + 37] * 25 ft
This is not a submarine but a research submersible. Submarines do not go much deeper than a couple of boat lengths.

8 * 60 + 37 = 517 seconds

517 seconds * 25 ft/s = 12,925 feet

Although that is far deeper than a submarine dives, it is less than half as deep as the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean (about 36,000 ft). Google Mariana trench. Manned submersibles have been there.