If a person smokes 20 cigarettes in a day for 58 years of their life, how many cigarettes do they smoke?

If each cigarette reduces a person's life by 5 minutes, by how many days is a person's life reduced if they smoke 20 cigarettes a day for 58years of their life?

Please can you help me to solve? Am having trouble working out the second part. Thanks Sam

4 answers

Part 1: 58 years will probably include 15 leap years, so the number of days is
(58x365) + 18 = 21,188
Multiply that by 20 for the number of cigarettes smoked: 423,760

Part 2: Multiply 423,760 by 5 for the number of minutes that the length of life is reduced, and convert numbewr of minutes that to years.

I get about 4 years.
Thank you
1.423760 2.4 years