if 50 mL of .012M barium chloride are mixed with 25 mL of 1.0 x 10^-6M sulfuric acid, will a precipitate form?
Calculate Qsp. Compare with Ksp.
I never learned what Qsp is, what do I do?
Qsp = (Ba^+2)(SO4^-2)
[That's Ksp, also; however, Ksp is at equilibrium and has a constant attached to it while Qsp is just the concentrations multiplied.
Calculate Ba ion and sulfate ion from the BaCl2 mixed with H2SO4. Multily them together to obtain Qsp. Remember that Ksp CAN'T be exceeded. Therefore, if Qsp is > than Ksp, a ppt forms. If Qsp is < Ksp, no ppt forms. Simple, huh?