If 2 protons and 2 neutrons are ejected from a radium nucleus with atomic number 88 and mass number 226 which element will be the result?
Could someone please tell me how to work this out.
The atomic number is the count of protons...so if two are ejected, the new element has an atomic number of 88-2, and a mass of 226-4.
the question is, what is X?
This is an example of aplha radiation. Because both protons and nuetrons contribute to an elements atomic mass we subtract 4 from the mass (2 protons + 2 nuetrons). According to the problem 2 protons were ejected so we also subtract 2 from the atomic number. (Note: alpha radiation is represented by helium-4)
Ra-226 --> He-4 + Rn-222
usually they will want you to write the protons in the radiation reaction too, but due to my lack of formatting knowledge I left it out. =)
i want to know more about quantum theories