If 1,790 Mega Watts of power, out of the 3,000 Mega Watts generated by a power utility, reach the destination, what percentage of the generated power reaches its destination?

1,790 - 3,000 = 1,210

1,790 divided by 1,210 = 1.4

Answer 1.4% Unsure

5 answers

3000 is the generated power; 1790 is the amount reaching the destination.

1790/3000 = ?
Im getting 1.98
How can you divide 1790 by 3,000 and get almost 2?
1.98 is almost 2. When I divide 3,000 by 1790 I get 1.67 plus a row of numbers after that.
Please read both my and PsyDAG's directions carefully.