idk why i feel like ur playing me our last realship did not end well i cried even weeks after u leaving me i dont wanna sound emotional or i dont wanna make u feel bad thats not my intensions at all im just letting u know i love hard meaning that if u breck up with me its hard to adjust to that as u can see we not even together and im already worried about getting played just know in these months taht i am gaing ur trust back i hope u stay true to ur love

reword it nd make it longer but dont make it sound to formal

1 answer

I can't help but admit that I have this lingering feeling that you might be playing with my emotions. Our past relationship ended in such a painful way, and I found myself shedding tears for weeks after you left me. Please understand that I don't want to come across as overly emotional or make you feel guilty. My only intention is to let you know that I'm someone who loves deeply, and when a relationship ends, it becomes incredibly difficult for me to adjust. It's evident from our current status that we are not together, yet I find myself already worrying about the possibility of being played once again. These past few months have been dedicated to repairing the trust that was shattered, and all I hope for is that you will remain true to the love we once shared.