All of the mentioned points contribute to Sweden's relative success compared to Denmark and Norway.
1. Access to fjords: Fjords are deep, narrow inlets formed by glacial activity, and they provide Sweden with natural harbors and access to the sea. This facilitates trade, transportation, and communication with other nations, giving Sweden a geographical advantage in terms of international relations and economic growth.
2. Mountainous terrain: Sweden's mountainous terrain acts as a natural barrier, providing protection against potential invasions from neighboring countries. This geography makes it more difficult for enemies to launch attacks, giving Sweden an advantage in terms of defense and security.
3. Fertile land and inland rivers: Sweden's inland rivers and fertile land contribute to agricultural productivity. The availability of arable land and a reliable water supply for irrigation allows for successful farming and food production. This not only provides sustenance for the population but also supports economic development and stability.
4. Greater distance from enemies: Sweden's geographic location, being located farther away from major European powers like England and Russia, reduces the likelihood of direct conflicts and invasions. This distance allows Sweden to focus on internal affairs, trade, and building diplomatic relationships with other nations, which can contribute to its overall success and stability.
Overall, Sweden's access to fjords, mountainous terrain, fertile land, and greater distance from potential enemies all contribute to its relative success compared to Denmark and Norway.
Identify why Sweden was relatively more successful than Denmark and Norway based on maps, geographic location, and resources. (1 point)
• Sweden had access to fjords.
• Sweden's mountainous terrain protected it from enemies.
• Sweden had more fertile land because of inland rivers.
• Sweden had greater distance from its enemies such as England and Russia
1 answer