. Identify which one of the following sentences is missing punctuation. Please correct the error and explain why the correction is necessary.
a. I woke up when the book slipped from my lap and landed on my foot.
b. After the book slid from my lap and landed on my foot I realized that I had fallen asleep.
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the first one doesn't need any puncuation.
After the book slid from my lap and landed on my foot; I realized that I had fallen asleep.
After the book slid from my lap and landed on my foot; I realized that I had fallen asleep.
You're right about the first sentence.
I'm not sure whether you have a comma or semicolon after foot. You need a comma there.
I'm not sure whether you have a comma or semicolon after foot. You need a comma there.
why do i need to add a comma there
You need a comma to separate the introductory clause from the independent clause.