The empire that collapsed after World War I was the Ottoman Empire.
After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Allied Powers gained control of the empire's former territories. The Middle East was divided into mandates, with the British and French taking control of different regions. The Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 divided the region into British and French spheres of influence, with the British controlling Palestine, Transjordan, and Iraq, while the French controlled Syria and Lebanon.
The system put into place was the Mandate system, which was established by the League of Nations. The mandate system granted certain territories to victorious Allied Powers to administer on behalf of the League of Nations, with the ultimate goal of preparing those territories for self-governance. However, the mandate system was criticized for perpetuating colonialism and not adequately preparing the territories for independence.
The outcomes of the mandate system in the Middle East were mixed. While some areas, such as Iraq and Transjordan, eventually gained independence and formed modern nation-states, other regions, like Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria, experienced continued conflict and instability. The drawing of arbitrary borders by the colonial powers also led to further tensions and conflicts among different ethnic and religious groups in the region.
Identify what empire collapsed after world war I
Identify who gained control what they controlled, and the system put into place
Explain the system that was put into place and the outcomes
1 answer