Identify three human rights violations or discrimination and explain in an introductory paragraph why you choose the specific human rights violation or discrimination

19 answers

Which violations did you choose? Why?
rights to live free
Each citizen has human right that are protected by law
It make them angry because they get to lose their belongs
right to b
e freely exercise your religion and being persecuted for your belief's.
3 human violation or discrimination
Life orientation
Everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected
identify 3 human rights violations
Identify your 3 human rights violations or iscrimination an an example in an introductory paragraph why you choose the specific human rights voilation or discrimination.
describe the three human rights violation or descriminition
Critically discuss six ways that the human rights violation influence individuals,groups and the broader south african community
rights to education for free
Education -you have the right to basic education example work hard, attend school regularly
3 human rights violation or discriminations and explain in an introductory paragraphs why you choose the specific human rights violation or discrimination
treated equal-you have the right be treated equal e.g black & white people
3 human Rights violation or discrimination
sexual orientation