Identify the roles district, state, and federal government agencies have in your local schools.
2 answers
for the state of michigan
In Michigan, the local district sets the curriculum, chooses the texts, hires the teachers, provides much of the funding through local property taxes, and is responsible for each student's education.
The state provides some funds and requires schools to give state tests (MEAPs) to all students at certain grade levels. These tests strongly influence the local district's curriculum.,1607,7-140-6530_6605---,00.html
The federal government funds a few programs, but mandates more programs than it funds.
Note -- I'm answering these questions from memory as a retired Michigan teacher.
The state provides some funds and requires schools to give state tests (MEAPs) to all students at certain grade levels. These tests strongly influence the local district's curriculum.,1607,7-140-6530_6605---,00.html
The federal government funds a few programs, but mandates more programs than it funds.
Note -- I'm answering these questions from memory as a retired Michigan teacher.