Identify the problems in the following paragraph and revise. Keep in mind that in revision, you don’t necessarily use or keep only the sentences there. You may have to add words, phrases, and even a sentence or two.
The Gateway Arch in St. Louis is a 630-foot stainless steel arch. It marks the most prominent point of embarkation for those who traveled into the new territories. A Museum of Westward Expansion, near the arch, commemorates the frontier experience. Inside the steel structure is a contraption like a Ferris wheel that travels to the apex of the arch. The small windows provide a thirty-mile view in any direction. On the Mississippi River, tied to a dock near the arch, is a fast-food restaurant designed to look like a riverboat.
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The Gateway Arch is a 630-foot stainless steel arch in St. Louis. Inside the arch is a contraption, like a Ferris wheel, that carries riders to the apex of the arch. From there, small windows provide the riders with a thirty-mile view in any direction. It was erected to commemorate St. Louis's role as the major point of embarkation for those who traveled into the West. This was where Easterners became Westerners. The Museum of Westward Expansion, near the arch, commemorates the frontier experience.
On the Mississippi River, tied to a dock near the arch, is a fast-food restaurant designed to look like a riverboat.