To find the partial quotient in the first step of the division of 4357 by 21, we can estimate how many times 21 fits into 4357.
Start by approximating:
- We can divide 4357 by 21. A good way to estimate is to simplify the problem.
- We can round 21 to 20 for easier calculations.
Now, we calculate:
- 4357 รท 20 = 217.85 (approximately)
- Since we're looking for the first partial quotient, we need a whole number and typically start with a rounded down figure for simplicity.
Instead of 20, we can check how much 21 goes into parts of 4357:
- 21 goes into 210 approximately 10 times since \(21 \times 10 = 210\).
- However, since we are looking for a partial quotient, we might try multiples of 100 to begin with.
To see how close we can get:
- \(21 \times 100 = 2100\), which is manageable and fits in the number.
- This suggests that 100 is a good guess for a partial quotient in dividing by 21.
With this breakdown, we find that the partial quotient in the first step should be 100.
So, among the options provided, the best choice for the partial quotient in the first step is: