To compare the mixed numbers 236, 413, 134, and 145, we need to convert them to improper fractions or decimals.
- 236 (which is 2 + 36/1) is equal to 236.0.
- 413 (which is 4 + 13/1) is equal to 413.0.
- 134 (which is 1 + 34/1) is equal to 134.0.
- 145 (which is 1 + 45/1) is equal to 145.0.
Next, we can arrange them from largest to smallest by comparing their values:
- 413.0
- 236.0
- 145.0
- 134.0
So, in numeric order from largest to smallest, the mixed numbers are:
413, 236, 145, 134.