Identify the major ore deposits in OkTedi mine in Papua New Guinea

1 answer

The Ok Tedi mine in Papua New Guinea is primarily known for its deposits of copper and gold. It is one of the largest copper-gold mines in the world and is located in the Star Mountains of Western Province. The major ore deposits at the Ok Tedi mine include:

  1. Copper Ore: The primary resource extracted from the mine, consisting mainly of chalcopyrite, which is a copper iron sulfide mineral.

  2. Gold Ore: Gold is often found in association with copper deposits at Ok Tedi, and the mine has significant gold-bearing ore.

  3. Silver: Smaller quantities of silver are also extracted as a byproduct of copper-gold mining.

The ore from Ok Tedi is typically characterized by a high copper grade, making it economically significant in the mining industry. The ore deposits are also known for their large mineralization footprint and associated complex geology, including various types of sulfide and oxide minerals. The mine has employed large-scale open-pit mining methods to extract these resources.