Identify the infinitive in each sentence.
1. Bill’s goal is to become a psychiatrist someday.
I=to become
2. Local patriots decided to throw the tea into the harbor.
I=to throw
3. Who wants to go with me to the game?
I=to go
4. Paramedics arrived and tried to revive the victim.
I=to revive
5. Tony worked to earn money for a bicycle.
I=to earn
Identify the infinitive phrase in each sentence and how it is used: (N) for noun, (ADJ) for adjective, or (ADV) for adverb.
1. To understand the difference between a democracy and a republic is important.
IP= To understand the difference, (N)
2. The captain struggled to regain control of the foundering ship.
IP= to regain control, (ADV)
3. The political prisoner refused to denounce his principles.
IP= to denounce his principles, (ADV)
4. Magellan’s ship was the first to circumnavigate the globe.
IP= to circumnavigate the globe, (N)
5. The class approved the decision to offer tutoring services to younger children.
IP= to offer tutoring services, (ADJ)
1 answer
3. Doesn't "to denounce his principles" answer WHAT after the verb? If it does, then it is not and adverb.
4. It seems to me that the infinitive phrase describes "first."