Sorry! A is correctly punctuated.
The question is about coordinate adjectives and commas.
Scroll down to #5 and read carefully.
Identify the INCORRECTLY punctuated sentence.
A. Reesa is wearing a dark, green sweater.
B. Around the collar are tiny white pearls.
C. The sweater has six shiny buttons.
D. She discovered the sweater in a cold, musty closet.
3 answers
1. Identify the sentence that relies on emotional language. (1 point)
Hearing loss and deafness can occur if you listen to loud music for a long time.
When you listen to music too loudly, you're just asking to go deaf at an early age.
Long exposure to loud music has been linked to early onset of hearing loss and deafness.
Listening to loud music can cause damage to the inner ear and subsequent loss of hearing.
2. Identify the statement that is a verifiable fact. (1 point)
Eating potato chips causes a person's skin to break out.
Triple cheeseburgers have a high caloric count.
Chocolate makes most people hyperactive.
Root beer floats are delicious!
3. Which of the following statements would be considered a hasty generalization? (1 point)
For the moral integrity of our nation, we must not allow this measure to pass.
Wherever there is a doughnut shop, you will find a police car parked outside.
Unlike her brother, she actually likes broccoli.
My friend goes jogging every morning.
4. Which of the following would be most suitable as a thesis statement for a persuasive essay? (1 point)
In order to be both college and career ready, I think students should have basic keyboarding skills before they graduate.
Liberal arts requirements are outdated in a global society in which technological knowledge can determine career success.
Technology is always changing, which means it's just senseless to broadly study the liberal arts when preparing for college and a career.
Several east coast universities offer strong foundations of academic preparation in the field of liberal arts while preparing students to compete in an increasingly technological society.
5. Which of the following is used when a friend suggests that the key to losing weight is eating less and exercising more? (1 point)
6. Identify the type of sentence: Daria asked Becky to help her with her science homework. (1 point)
7. Identify the type of sentence: Josh and I are meeting for pizza at noon today. (1 point)
8. Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point)
Sarah is busy today but she can go to the park with you tomorrow.
You can fly your kite and have a picnic.
Kim heard about your outing and will meet you there.
Do you want her to bring her sketchbook, pens, and markers?
9. Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point)
Reesa is wearing a dark, green sweater.
Around the collar are tiny white pearls.
The sweater has six shiny buttons.
She discovered the sweater in a cold, musty closet.
10. Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point)
At the party for his parents, Steve made a lovely speech.
After his speech, I congratulated him on a job well done.
We all had tears in our eyes, as he spoke.
Steve smiled and asked if I wanted a piece of cake.
11. Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point)
You must return your first rental, before they will send you another movie.
If you cleaned your room, maybe you would be able to find the DVD.
Let’s clear out the trash, clothes, and soda cans.
Yes, I found the DVD under the big pile of laundry by your bed.
12. Which sentence contains an incorrect end mark? (1 point)
Do you want to go to the zoo or to the park today?
I just can’t stand being in the house!
If I don’t get out of here today, I will explode?
Let’s go get some fresh air.
13. Identify the correctly punctuated sentence. (1 point)
Babysitting my sister, is something I actually enjoy doing.
Babysitting my sister, walking the dog and washing dinner dishes are my usual responsibilities.
Babysitting my sister I learn a lot about patience.
Babysitting my sister is more rewarding than you’d think!
Match the definition with the appropriate word.
the dictionary definition of a word
making assertions about a group that are too broad
parts of a presentation that augment the words
rhetorical devices that rely on faulty reasoning
the emotional association a word invokes
Use the word bank to answer the question.
14. audiovisual aids (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
15. connotation (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
16. denotation (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
17. hasty generalizations (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
18. logical fallacies (1 point)
Match the definition with the appropriate word.
an appeal to logic
the emotion that a speaker demonstrates towards his or her subject
an appeal to the credibility of the speaker
an appeal to the emotion
devices in a speech that seek to convince an audience
Use the word bank to answer the question.
19. persuasive appeals (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
20. tone (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
21. ethos (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
22. pathos (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
23. logos (1 point)
Hearing loss and deafness can occur if you listen to loud music for a long time.
When you listen to music too loudly, you're just asking to go deaf at an early age.
Long exposure to loud music has been linked to early onset of hearing loss and deafness.
Listening to loud music can cause damage to the inner ear and subsequent loss of hearing.
2. Identify the statement that is a verifiable fact. (1 point)
Eating potato chips causes a person's skin to break out.
Triple cheeseburgers have a high caloric count.
Chocolate makes most people hyperactive.
Root beer floats are delicious!
3. Which of the following statements would be considered a hasty generalization? (1 point)
For the moral integrity of our nation, we must not allow this measure to pass.
Wherever there is a doughnut shop, you will find a police car parked outside.
Unlike her brother, she actually likes broccoli.
My friend goes jogging every morning.
4. Which of the following would be most suitable as a thesis statement for a persuasive essay? (1 point)
In order to be both college and career ready, I think students should have basic keyboarding skills before they graduate.
Liberal arts requirements are outdated in a global society in which technological knowledge can determine career success.
Technology is always changing, which means it's just senseless to broadly study the liberal arts when preparing for college and a career.
Several east coast universities offer strong foundations of academic preparation in the field of liberal arts while preparing students to compete in an increasingly technological society.
5. Which of the following is used when a friend suggests that the key to losing weight is eating less and exercising more? (1 point)
6. Identify the type of sentence: Daria asked Becky to help her with her science homework. (1 point)
7. Identify the type of sentence: Josh and I are meeting for pizza at noon today. (1 point)
8. Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point)
Sarah is busy today but she can go to the park with you tomorrow.
You can fly your kite and have a picnic.
Kim heard about your outing and will meet you there.
Do you want her to bring her sketchbook, pens, and markers?
9. Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point)
Reesa is wearing a dark, green sweater.
Around the collar are tiny white pearls.
The sweater has six shiny buttons.
She discovered the sweater in a cold, musty closet.
10. Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point)
At the party for his parents, Steve made a lovely speech.
After his speech, I congratulated him on a job well done.
We all had tears in our eyes, as he spoke.
Steve smiled and asked if I wanted a piece of cake.
11. Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point)
You must return your first rental, before they will send you another movie.
If you cleaned your room, maybe you would be able to find the DVD.
Let’s clear out the trash, clothes, and soda cans.
Yes, I found the DVD under the big pile of laundry by your bed.
12. Which sentence contains an incorrect end mark? (1 point)
Do you want to go to the zoo or to the park today?
I just can’t stand being in the house!
If I don’t get out of here today, I will explode?
Let’s go get some fresh air.
13. Identify the correctly punctuated sentence. (1 point)
Babysitting my sister, is something I actually enjoy doing.
Babysitting my sister, walking the dog and washing dinner dishes are my usual responsibilities.
Babysitting my sister I learn a lot about patience.
Babysitting my sister is more rewarding than you’d think!
Match the definition with the appropriate word.
the dictionary definition of a word
making assertions about a group that are too broad
parts of a presentation that augment the words
rhetorical devices that rely on faulty reasoning
the emotional association a word invokes
Use the word bank to answer the question.
14. audiovisual aids (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
15. connotation (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
16. denotation (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
17. hasty generalizations (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
18. logical fallacies (1 point)
Match the definition with the appropriate word.
an appeal to logic
the emotion that a speaker demonstrates towards his or her subject
an appeal to the credibility of the speaker
an appeal to the emotion
devices in a speech that seek to convince an audience
Use the word bank to answer the question.
19. persuasive appeals (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
20. tone (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
21. ethos (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
22. pathos (1 point)
Use the word bank to answer the question.
23. logos (1 point)
1. When you listen to music too loudly, you're just asking to go deaf at an early age.
2. Triple cheeseburgers have a high caloric count.
3. Wherever there is a doughnut shop, you will find a police car parked outside.
4. In order to be both college and career ready, I think students should have basic keyboarding skills before they graduate.
5. logos
6. declarative
7. declarative
8. You can fly your kite and have a picnic.
9. N/A (All sentences are correctly punctuated.)
10. N/A (All sentences are correctly punctuated.)
11. You must return your first rental, before they will send you another movie.
12. If I don’t get out of here today, I will explode?
13. Babysitting my sister is more rewarding than you’d think!
14. Parts of a presentation that augment the words.
15. The emotional association a word invokes.
16. The dictionary definition of a word.
17. Making assertions about a group that are too broad.
18. Rhetorical devices that rely on faulty reasoning.
19. Devices in a speech that seek to convince an audience.
20. The emotion that a speaker demonstrates towards his or her subject.
21. An appeal to the credibility of the speaker.
22. An appeal to the emotion.
23. An appeal to logic.
2. Triple cheeseburgers have a high caloric count.
3. Wherever there is a doughnut shop, you will find a police car parked outside.
4. In order to be both college and career ready, I think students should have basic keyboarding skills before they graduate.
5. logos
6. declarative
7. declarative
8. You can fly your kite and have a picnic.
9. N/A (All sentences are correctly punctuated.)
10. N/A (All sentences are correctly punctuated.)
11. You must return your first rental, before they will send you another movie.
12. If I don’t get out of here today, I will explode?
13. Babysitting my sister is more rewarding than you’d think!
14. Parts of a presentation that augment the words.
15. The emotional association a word invokes.
16. The dictionary definition of a word.
17. Making assertions about a group that are too broad.
18. Rhetorical devices that rely on faulty reasoning.
19. Devices in a speech that seek to convince an audience.
20. The emotion that a speaker demonstrates towards his or her subject.
21. An appeal to the credibility of the speaker.
22. An appeal to the emotion.
23. An appeal to logic.