Identify the correct sentence.

a.There is a good variety of mugs in the cabinet.

b.There are a good variety of mugs in the cabinet.

c.A number of glasses have been broken.

d.The number of broken glasses has increased.

13 answers


Actually, there are two correct sentences in here.
Sorry I mentioned the Identify the incorrect sentence.
I made a mistake the question was

Identify the incorrect sentence.
B is incorrect,yes. But there is another incorrect sentence in there.
No. A is correct.
I'm looking for the incorrect sentence.
A/B is the same exact sentence the only difference is the words is/ are
Have you discovered which two are the incorrect sentences yet?

One is B. Which is the other incorrect sentence?
The words "number" and "variety" are the subjects in their respective sentences. Are those words singular or plural? In which sentences do the verbs match the subjects?

Study #5 here:
d/b is the incorrect sentences
Answer is b.
Go with B.
option B is wrong.