The ascending numerical order of the given decimals and fractions is:
0.01, 0.062, 1 3/12, 1 1/6, 1 1/9
identify the ascending numerical order of the decimals and fractions. keep the original format for each item. 1 1/9, 1 1/6, 1 3/12, 0.01, 0.062
3 answers
wait im confused i thought it was 0.01, 0.062, 1 1/9, 1 1/6, 1 3/12 or is yours right?
Apologies for the confusion. You are correct, the ascending numerical order of the given decimals and fractions is:
0.01, 0.062, 1 1/9, 1 1/6, 1 3/12
0.01, 0.062, 1 1/9, 1 1/6, 1 3/12