Identify the appropriate punctuation for the underlined word or phrase for questions 19-20.

19.) Irving Berlin wrote "White Christmas" and many other popular songs. White Christmas is underlined, I just used quotation marks.

A.) italics
B.) quotation marks
C.) single quotation marks
D.) None of the above

20. My favorite movie is "The Empire Strikes Back". Same thing as above I just used quotation marks it is actually underlined.

A.) italics
B.) Quotation marks
C.) Single quotation mark
D.) None of the Above

I think 19 is A or B and I think 20 is A..?

8 answers

19. B
20. Right.
I think 20 could also be B?
Ok thank you for all your help tonight Ms. Sue!
No. Movies are always italicized.
You're very welcome, Cassie.
Manuel(me) would like to ask a question. Is ms Sue dead or alive
Unpleasant rubbish, Manuel. Ms Sue I am sorries.