Identify the appositive or appositive phrase in the following sentences.

1. Washington was awkward with women until he met his wife-to-be, Martha Custis.
A= Martha Custis

2. No salary was paid to Washington, our country’s first millionaire.
AP= our country’s first millionaire

3. He did not live in the White House, today’s executive mansion, because it was not built until John Adams’s administration.
AP= today’s executive mansion

4. Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, was extremely well educated.
AP= author of the Declaration of Independence

5. He was a gifted architect who designed Monticello, his home in Virginia.
AP= his home in Virginia

Identify the appositive or appositive phrase in the following sentences and the word they modify.

1. Franklin Pierce had dark, curly hair, his one outstanding physical feature.
AP= his one outstanding physical feature, WM=Hair

2. James Buchanan relied on his niece Harriet as his official hostess.
A= Harriet, WM=niece

3. Young Abraham Lincoln, a gangling boy, was largely self-educated.
AP= a gangling boy, WM= Abraham Lincoln

4. While in the White House, Lincoln was saddened by death of his son Willie.
A= Willie, WM=son

5. Of all his children, only Lincoln’s son Robert lived to adulthood.
A=Robert, WM=Lincoln’s son

3 answers

I'm going to say it looks good, but it's past midnight here and I have to admit I lost focus while reading a few of them.
I agree, Matt and Susanne. All of these are correct.
I'm going to say it looks good