One of the darker actions examined in a story from this unit is the murder of King Duncan in William Shakespeare's "Macbeth". The action is carried out by Macbeth, who is driven by his ambition to become king and his wife, Lady Macbeth, who desires power and royalty.
The intention behind this action is to secure the throne for themselves, as Lady Macbeth convinces her husband to kill Duncan in order to fulfill the prophecy they were given by the witches. Macbeth's own ambition and the manipulation by his wife lead him to commit this heinous act.
If Macbeth were able to overcome this darker impulse and indulge a higher intention, the story would change drastically. He could have chosen to trust in fate and let events unfold naturally, or he could have found a different way to attain power without resorting to murder. By choosing a different path, Macbeth may have been able to prevent the tragic consequences that befall him and his wife throughout the play. Ultimately, overcoming his darker impulses could have saved Macbeth from his tragic downfall.
Identify one of the darker actions examined in a story or drama from this unit. In what piece is the action highlighted? What intentions or emotions prompt the action? How would the story or drama change if the character involved were able to overcome the darker impulse and indulge a higher intention? Explain.
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