Identify key issues in the constitutional debate

short 8 senteces

1 answer

1. The distribution of power between the federal government and the states was a major issue in the constitutional debate. Some argued for a strong central government, while others wanted to protect the rights of the states.

2. The inclusion of a bill of rights was a contentious issue. Some believed that explicit protections were necessary for individual freedoms, while others argued that the Constitution itself provided sufficient safeguards.

3. Slavery and the status of enslaved individuals was a highly debated issue. Southern states wanted to protect the institution of slavery, while northern states sought its abolition.

4. The structure and composition of the legislative branch was a key issue. The debate centered around the representation of states, with large states advocating for proportional representation and smaller states pushing for equal representation.

5. The method of electing the executive, particularly the president, was another important issue. Some favored election by Congress, while others proposed a direct popular vote.

6. The extent of judicial power and the establishment of a federal judiciary were points of contention. Some wanted a strong judiciary to protect individual rights, while others were concerned about excessive judicial power.

7. Limitations on the powers of the federal government were a key concern. Many delegates were wary of creating a central government that could become tyrannical or infringe upon the rights of the people.

8. Economic issues, such as taxation and regulation, were also discussed. Some wanted a strong federal government with the ability to raise revenue and regulate commerce, while others favored a more limited role for the government in economic affairs.