Identify every concrete image within the poem. Remember that a concrete image is one that uses either sight, sound, taste, touch, or smell, so each concrete image should be identified as to which sense it connects to. Then, describe what each of the images evokes from you. Be certain to use details from the poem to illustrate your analysis. You may use a list, chart, or narrative for this analysis. Be certain to note which poem you are analyzing. The poem I chose was Snow Day by Billy Collins

2 answers

If I were you, I'd start with a list and go line by line. Then once my list is finished, I'd decide if I wanted to keep the list, make a chart, or write a narrative. It's up to you.

I'll get you started --

Lines 1-5:
blankness <~~not sure if I'd keep this

When you finish your list, let us know.
I want to know a poem
ten to fourteen lines