Identify each of the following consequences either positive reinforcement (PR), negative reinforcement (NR), negative punishment (NP) or positive punishment (PUN).

NP 1. A teacher meeting with a parent makes that parent feel less powerful by having her sit on small, kindergarten-sized chairs.

PR 2. At the dinner table, Christopher, aged 2, pulled his parents together on either side of him and said, "Hey guys. Wha’sdoin’? Play ball!!!" Everyone laughed so hard that he continued to do this five or six times at each meal for the next two months.

NR 3. A teen-aged daughter rolled her eyes at her mom when she sings in the car. The mom stops singing in the car after that.

NR 4. A child snaps her fingers until her teacher calls on her. (analyze from the standpoint of the teacher’s experience)

PR 5. Your father gives you a credit card at the end of your first year in college because you did so well. As a result, your grades continue to get better in your second year.

NP 6. Zachary gets into a great deal of trouble one afternoon. He pours out all his sister’s perfume, climbs out the window onto the roof, and many other similar things in a short period of time. His mother tells him that he cannot go on the camping trip that he was invited to by his best friend. He stops misbehaving.

NP 7. Mick loses his cell phone privileges because he flunked his physics test.

PUN 8. Your car has a red, flashing light that blinks annoyingly if you start the car without buckling the seat belt. You become less likely to start the car without buckling the seat belt.

PR 9. Brian is afraid of heights. Avoiding high places allows him to stay relaxed.

is this correct?

1 answer

Agree with all except 9.