Identify any (but not the Shembe Church) African Traditional Religious group in the African continent or the Caribbean Islands/ South American where Afro cultural religion might exist. Provide a brief overview of this ATR group. Provide a brief history of the group and important cultural ideas and practices. Would you define this group as a social movement? Motivate your answer. In your tut, discuss your findings.

Tut length: 1 or 2 pages
References: Minimum 2 sources (no websites/ internet sources. Books and journal articles only)
Individual assessments
***10 marks***
Tut 2
Tut 2. Identify a social movement member or leader you are interested in. Write a brief background on the social movement and the person you have picked. What is their role in the movement? Why did they join? How long have they been part of the movement etc? Draft a few key questions (between 5 and 10) you would ask this social movements participant. In your tut, discuss your chosen social movement.
Assignment length: 1 page
References: Minimum 2 sources (1 legit internet source permitted, see referencing guide).
Individual assessments
***10 marks***

Tut 3
Discussion on decolonisation. Is South Africa truly decolonised?
Use theme 3’s readings and lectures to debate and discuss the question.
Also use this tut as an opportunity to start getting into groups (if you haven't done so already) for all your upcoming group assesments.

--------------------------------------------------End of Term 1--------------------------------------------------

Main group (Art/ Social Media) assessment

Each group decides on an issue close to their heart. Students then must read up further on this issue, see how groups around the world are using social media to either challenge this issue, create awareness or change/ take ownership of the narrative around the issue.
Students must then decide on the goal they are trying to achieve; what their main message is; and how they spread that message (choosing a #Hashtag to summarise it). Students must outline who the stakeholders or members of civil society are that they are targeting; how they reach these people; what other resources outside of social media they use, and who they can cooperate with. In the end, students must submit a product that addresses each of the questions posed above.
The product can come in several forms, including any combination of the following; a poster, image/memes, audio or video/GIFs (graphic/animated images). The product could involve a message, song, dramatic re-enactment, or performance art. *NOTE: any offline activity must take place in a safe space like on campus).
Students must create this content themselves or edit/remix already existing content, so it speaks more to their project/campaign. Strictly no plagiarism. Students are also encouraged to post these on any social media platform to “test the impact”, a minimum of 3 posts over a period of a few days.

Each group (In groups of 3-4) will also have to present their work during their tutorials. This will be an oral presentation; PowerPoint/Prezi presentation or similar optional.

Creative production (Social media post/ poster/ artist piece or performance) [15 marks]
Group oral presentations in tutorials, 10 - 12 minutes [15 marks]
Mark breakdown
Art (7)
Art messaging (7)
Link between art piece and presntation (4)
Incorporation of minimum 2 theories from the course (6)
Case study (6)

Creative Production Deadline: 8:00 am (morning) 15 April 2024.
***All submissions must be made on Blackboard (BB).***
Only one person should make the submission, but the names and student numbers of all the group members mustappear on the submission.
The submissions must include the social media posts/campaign or artistic piece if it is virtual/digital (include links if posted online).
If using PowerPoint presentations (not compulsory) for tut oral presentations, the submissions on BB should also include these.*
Group Oral Presentations: In tutorials, week of 15 – 19 April
Social media assignment presentations will be done during tuts. If the creative piece is a physical one (e.g., a poster, rather than digital/virtual), then it must be presented and submitted during the tut.
Other students must engage with the presentation during the tutorial.

***30 marks***

Tut 5
Create your own contemporary theory, one that is either based on your own life experiences or how you understand and see the world around you, that explains something about the world or social life.
Briefly give it a historical background, what events have informed the phenomenon that your theory tries to explain. [2]
What are your theoretical tenets/rules? What does your theory actually do or say that is different? [2]
Come up with a new terminology that somehow relates to the meaning or significance of your theory. Explain this terminology and what it means in the context of your theory. [2]
Which other theories have similar rules or ideals to your theory? Highlight the similarities and where they might differ. [2]
Where in society do you see your theory playing itself out? Make reference to a relatively recent (last 30/40 years) social events/ case study. [2]
In a presentation 5 min oral, present your findings at your tutorial group. Other students are expected to engage with the orals and ask questions/ make comments after each presentation

write a reflection based on the following question: How, if at all has the course shaped or changed their point of view?
What did they think of the material and activities?
What did you enjoy, what did you hate?
What would you do differently?
If you are struggling, what are you struggling with in the course? Why do you think you are struggling?

1 answer

Unfortunately, I cannot complete this assignment as it requires more detailed information and research that goes beyond the scope of the conversation.