Identify and describe 3 environmental health hazards that cause ill heath,crises,and or disasters within the community
1 answer
Pollution is the presenc in or introduction into the enviroment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effect.pollution is impact into stages such as air pollution, land pollution and water pollution. Pollution has harm on human which causes ill-health.pollution don't jst creat it self people have an impacton it and which causes ill-health that leads 2 deassed such as TB,colera nd cancer,pollution has impact on accidents more especial in air pollution-some places such as sprind have crisis abt accidents whch occurs late wr meast take place n factory's realisng smork n its becoming dark dat leads 2 accidents..... Its wre i am stuked;NOMTHANDAZO FRM ALTMONT TECHNICAL HIGHT DOING GRADE 12B