Identify 5 practices in contravention of the basic conditions of employment act?

27 answers

5 practices in basic condition of employment
1.When a person works overtime s/he must be paid for the extra time she worked for.

2. You Must be rewarded when you work on holidays.

3.Lunch break means time of refreshing up and intaking your stomach by eating, so it is not a must to work even it is lunch time.

4. When you are facing family problems you have a right to have time off e.g "when your loved ones past away," you have to be home and help the family with the preparation of arrangements.

5. Your Boss must not take an advantage of you if you are a lady as he will be sexually harasing you
Activity 3
Which two labour laws protect the employee against discrimination in the work place?
What,according to the basic conditions of employment act applies with regard to the contraventions
what is practices
Ah u guys u are so lazy to think you shouldnt confusing your selves begging for answers life orientation is the easiest subject bt u makin it harder cm on grow up
What according to the BCEA applies with regard to the contraventions
How should discrimination be dealt with in the workplace
Never give your boss a chance to take advantage of you.
Exactly....grow up.
Help us nd stop telng us 2 grow up
Ah guys help us,working 2gethr we can do more
Pls we nid help hre. Our god ddnt giv us de sym minds dats y we nid help frm u guyz pls hv merssy on us
Pls we nid help hre. Our god ddnt giv us de equal mindsets dats y we nid help frm u guyz pls hv merssy on us
Five practices that are contravention of the basic condition of employment act
Oh guys pls help us
Thnk for ur self
Tjoh.u knw we r so lazy 2 answer the questins!!
ai..guyz dnt b so naive mxm tl us....stp bin so not lik wen u got th answer we hv t beg or wat....if u dnt wnt t tel jst save ur airtym xem nd shave ur words into ur a&?
Lets apply de motto of our country working together we can do more
Please guys help us as we are siblings plz jst 3y 2 unswer des qstion plz
Im also doing de same homework, also have problems answering them, i thnk a better way out is 2 Google for answers. Sure 2geda we cn do more, lets try 2 b friendly wth each ada as citizens
Working on holidays. During lunch break.working when you are ill.
A fool u re 2 say l.o is simple we wouldn't be seeking 4 answers if it was so simple
atchh u guys are lazy to think