1. Cohesiveness: The investigative team in "Scoop 2024" demonstrates high levels of cohesiveness, as they work closely together to solve the mystery. They share a sense of camaraderie and teamwork.
2. Leadership: Within the investigative team, there is a clear leader who guides the group and makes decisions. This leader often takes charge and delegates tasks to other members of the team.
3. Communication: Effective communication is key within the small group, as members need to share information, updates, and findings with one another in order to progress in their investigation.
4. Roles and Responsibilities: Each member of the investigative team has a specific role or responsibility within the group. This helps to ensure that tasks are divided up and that everyone is contributing to the overall goal.
5. Trust: Trust is an important characteristic within the small group, as members need to rely on one another and believe in each other's abilities in order to work together effectively.
6. Conflict resolution: In any group setting, there may be disagreements or conflicts that arise. It is important for the group to have effective conflict resolution skills in order to address and resolve any issues that may arise.
7. Decision-making: The investigative team must make decisions collectively in order to move forward in their investigation. This requires consensus-building and weighing different perspectives and opinions.
Overall, the small group characteristics within the investigative team in "Scoop 2024" contribute to their success in solving the mystery and achieving their goal.
Identification of Small Group Characteristics - Watch the "Scoop 2024" movie and identify the characteristics of small groups within the investigative team.
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