I wrote the thesis but wat do i make the conclusion be...:(

This is my thesis:
Aldous Huxley's Brave NEw World and Emily Bronte's, "wuthring heights" describe a major struggle of being an individual again society . in Aldous Huxley's novel "Brave New World, the main story involves characters with their own issues concerning how they didn't fit into society's molds while the characters of Wuthering Heights want to escape their society.

I have to make a conclusion - identify your " so what ? " factor ( i.e. why is your thesis significant for the reader?)

And what should i make my three arguments be for my essay???

5 answers

Oh, my! You can't write a conclusion until you've finished your essay.

In the body of your essay, you need to give examples that "prove" your thesis.
No! This is my outline... The order is given like tht..
As you plan the arguments that prove your thesis, I'm sure you'll be able to figure out the conclusion.
Ok the what can i make my three arguments be since this is a comparative essay... Um i have to tlk bout their struggles with society so what can i make my arguments be?