I wrote an introduction for a lab report for the first time, and I was given no samples (my teacher said "feel free to ask your friends who had chemistry last semester if you can see their introductions... none of my friends took it last semester, so I have no one to ask; I think she just kind of assumed we would all be able to have a sort of sample, but obviously that's not the case), so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to look it over and tell me if any of the concepts I wrote are incorrect, and just some general feedback. But it's nearly two pages long on MS Word (I feel like that's way too long??? I'll definitely ask tomorrow if it's too long, but I thought longer would be better than shorter because then the teacher could tell me exactly what to take out rather than just giving me a vague, "you need more."). I know two pages is huge, and I think maybe it's too much to ask for here, so that's why I'm just asking beforehand if anyone would actually be willing to read it over. I would be super grateful if you would, but I would totally understand if you wouldn't want to, I know it is kind of a ridiculous request.
Anyway, if you've read this far, thanks for that, at least!
2 answers
I think you're right. I think two pages is too long. I think you can write a good introduction for a lab report in a paragraph or two. Three at the most unless it's a highly technical one. If you want to post it here someone MAY take a look at ittonight but my bedtime is approaching so you may need to repost tomorrow if no one answers tonight. If you had posted it instead of your current question we would be through by now. :-).
I thought it might be kind of obnoxious of me to just post two pages worth of stuff and ask someone to read it, but thank you so much for being willing to look at it, I'll definitely repost tomorrow! Thanks for answering, and good night!